That Can’t Be All

What can you do?

Stephanie Rodda

This week I read a number of articles. Among others I read about the plight of children and sex-trafficking, the effect on children’s brains who spend their first years in institutions, the results of poverty on children’s educations and the issues that could accompany trans-racial adoption of children.

I found myself wondering if people will ever understand that our children are worthy of our best resources because they ARE our best resources. And when I say ‘our’ children I mean the children of your community, your city, your county, your state, your country, your world. They are all OUR children.

Throughout history and unfortunately still in modern times children are exploited, under-valued and over-looked. They are often mistreated, neglected and abused. Instead of being treasured they are considered disposable trash.

This is a cycle, an ugly, hungry, devastating, cruel cycle that continues generation after generation unless we intervene, unless we…

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