From Frumpy to Fab~Part Deux


This week  A Proverbs Wife is hosting another week long theme of going From Frumpy to Fab. I enjoyed participating in this during February.

It was a great reminder to me to be more aware of how I look each day whether or not I leave the house.  Last time the focus was pretty much on doing something different with with my hair because, well, my hair is thick and curly that I have major challenges in trying to get it to look right.  One thing I have discovered is that tying it up into a bun before going to sleep helps to keep it less tangled.  I have tried scarves in the past…but, I must not know what I’m doing because they always fall off while sleeping.

This week the weather is supposed to be nice so I’m pulling out my handy dandy flat iron to straighten my hair.  As long as there’s no rain or heavy fog I should be good to go for the rest of the week.  It takes 45 minutes to an hour to do a really nice job, but the results are definitely worth it.  It will give me more options when doing my hair other than the usual ponytail.

Another nice thing about the weather being nicer is that I can wear something other than jeans or pants.  I’ve pulled out my capris for a little different look.

The rest of the weeks plan is to make sure I put on earrings each morning, put on eyeshadow and blush as well as a lip gloss to keep my lips looking nice.  I don’t really wear lipstick anymore unless it’s a really special occasion because I tend to “eat it” and I’ve read some stuff about what’s in some lipsticks…kinda grossed me out.  I need to be on the look out for some natural lip colors I guess…  Until then I think I’ll use lotion or a gloss.  I’m pulling out the tweezers as well because the eyebrows are startin’ to grow in a whole different direction than they should be.  Gettin’ just a little scary!

I’ve also decided to focus a bit on my hands and feet.  I work in a classroom full of children so I’m constantly washing my hands or using a sanitizer.  It’s incredibly drying to the skin and my nails are breaking easily.  I’m bringing a really good skin cream I found with Avon as well putting some Hard As Nails on to see if it will help.  Before bed I’m slathering up my feet with Jergens and putting on socks.  I’ve done this in the past…it really makes a difference.

I’m looking forward to this week.  I’m ready for some more changes…and I think my dh is too.

One response to “From Frumpy to Fab~Part Deux

  1. You’ve shared some great tips for the hands and feet. I am the same way regarding washing my hands. I am constantly washing my hands while caring for the home and teaching my children. My hands tend to dry out especially in the winter. Thank your for participating in From Frumpy To Fab. I hope you’ll be able to share pictures of your hair all prettied up.

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